This is a novel by the preeminent Swedish female crime author. The protagonist is named Annika Bengtzon, a journalist with intelligence, courage and fierce love for her children. I found her likable and human. Her husband on the other hand, I did not like. But maybe that was part of the point. This is one in a series about Annika and her exploits, and I could see how the themes of her life: work, home, children, marriage, friendship would all weave in and out of multiple books.
The writing is nice and tight, concise prose. It flows well, and you can definitely see the scenes and people she paints. The characters are believable in all their shades of imperfection. If you aren't familiar with Sweden, and Swedish politics, you might struggle a little with understanding the context. That wasn't too much of a problem though. I enjoyed the book and found it a pleasant interlude. It compares favorably with the other Scandinavian crime novels recently introduced into the US market. I actually think that Marklund has a smoother and more elegant style than those of Roslund & Hellstrom, or Larsson.
Thank you to Lorien Forrest for her review.
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